Check-In and Load-In at the South Florida Regional

Team Check-In and Load-In | Wednesday 6-8 PM

The intention for load-in is to allow teams to find their pit space, place their robot and tools in their pit space and begin building their pit. NO WORK is allowed on robots until the pit opens to all on Thursday morning.

A maximum of five individuals wearing Safety Glasses, will be allowed access to the venue for this purpose (one individual must be an Adult Mentor on the team 18+ years of age). In all cases, the driver must stay with the vehicle at all times – no exceptions.   

The South Florida Regional will offer Robot Weight Inspection on Load In Day.

To make life easier for the teams, and avoid unnecessary long lines, we ask the teams to either scroll down and select your time OR go to this link, and select one ticket for Load In: 

Load In 2025 South Florida Regional

There are 8 Groups for Wednesday April 2nd and 1 Group for Thursday April 3rd. Each Group holds 6 spots for teams. This means, we have 48 total spots for Wednesday and 6 spots for Thursday. 

    • Please come prepared with a PRINTED copy of your roster.
    • Only 5 people can enter the premises for Load In.
    • Everybody participating during Load In MUST bring their own safety glasses.